Google Maps
A plugin that allows you to use the Maps SDK to access Google Maps features.
To use the Google Maps API, register your app in the Google API Console and obtain an API key.
Add the Google Maps API key to your app.
To add the API key for Android, modify the AndroidManifest.xml
file and add the <meta-data>
tag with the
as its name and the key as the value.
To add the API key for iOS, add the TNSGoogleMapsAPIKey
key and the API key as the value to the Info.plist
file, located at App_Resources/iOS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
npm install @nativescript/google-maps
To use the plugin in the different NativeScript flavors, modify the main.ts
to import and then register it.
Use @nativescript/google-maps with core
- Register the plugin namespace with Page's
attribute providing your prefix(map
, for example).
<Page xmlns=""
- Access the <MapView> using the the
<map:MapView ...
Below is the complete code from the 2 preceding steps:
<Page xmlns=""
- To manage the mapping features, listen to the map view's
event and get the reference to the GoogleMap instance from the event data.
<Page xmlns=""
ready="{{onReady}}" 👈
To use the plugin in the different NativeScript flavors, modify the main.ts
to register it.
Use @nativescript/google-maps with Angular
- Register the plugin by adding the
to theimports
array of theAppModule
, inapp.module.ts
as follows:
import { GoogleMapsModule } from '@nativescript/google-maps/angular';
// Registering
imports: [
declarations: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
- Add MapView to your markup.
- To manage the mapping features, listen to the map view's
event and get the reference to the GoogleMap instance from the event data.
Use @nativescript/google-maps with Vue
- In the
file, register the plugin by passing its reference to theuse()
method to the app instance.
import { createApp, registerElement } from 'nativescript-vue'
import GoogleMaps from '@nativescript/google-maps/vue'
import Home from './components/Home.vue'
const app = createApp(Home)
To handle the map features, see the GoogleMap object API.
- Add the MapView component to the markup.
To handle the map features, see the GoogleMap object API.
- To manage the mapping features, listen to the map view's
event and get the reference to the GoogleMap instance from the event data.
MapView Class
The following properties are available for adjusting the camera view on initialization:
Property | Type | Description |
lat | number | Latitude, in degrees |
lng | number | Longitude, in degrees |
zoom | number | Zoom level (described here) |
bearing | number | Bearing, in degrees |
tilt | number | Tilt, in degrees |
preventDefaultMarkerTapBehavior | boolean | Prevents the default marker event handling (panning/info windows) done by Google Maps |
provides the following events:
Event | Description |
ready | Fires when the MapView is ready for use and provides a GoogleMap instance for managing mapping featurees. |
mapTap | Fires when a coordinate is tapped on the map |
mapLongPress | Fires when a coordinate is long-pressed on the map |
markerTap | Fires when a marker is tapped |
myLocationTap | Fires when 'My Location' is tapped |
myLocationButtonTap | Fires when the 'My Location' button is tapped |
markerDragStart | Fires when a marker begins dragging |
markerDragging | Fires while a marker is being dragged |
markerDragEnd | Fires when a marker ends dragging |
tileRenderingStart | Fires when tile rendering begins |
tileRenderingEnd | Fires when tile rendering ends |
cameraPosition | Fires when the map viewport state changes, camera states include idle | start | moving |
circle | Fires when a circle is tapped |
polygon | Fires when a polygon is tapped |
polyline | Fires when a polyline is tapped |
poi | Fires when a POI is tapped |
groundOverlay | Fires when a ground overlay is tapped |
infoWindowTap | Fires when a marker's info window is tapped |
infoWindowLongPress | Fires when a marker's info window is long-pressed |
infoWindowClose | Fires when a marker's info window is closed |
markerInfoContents | If this method returns a view, it will be placed within the default info window frame. |
markerInfoWindow | Called when a marker is about to become selected, and provides an optional custom info window to use for that marker if this method returns a view. |
activeBuilding | Fires when a building is focused on |
activeLevel | Fires when the level of the focused building changes |
GoogleMap Object
This class encapsulates the core, cross-platform mapping features. Its instance is made available when the MapView fires the ready
event, and this is where you'll perform the majority of your mapping tasks.
function onReady(event: MapReadyEvent) {
const map: GoogleMap =
Property | Type | Description |
buildingsEnabled | boolean | Enables Buildings |
maxZoomLevel | number | Maximum level of zoom |
minZoomLevel | number | Minimum level of zoom |
myLocationEnabled | boolean | Enables "My Location" |
trafficEnabled | boolean | Enables traffic |
cameraPosition | CameraPosition | See Camera Position |
projection | Projection | See Projection |
uiSettings | IUISettings | See UISettings Interface |
mapStyle | Style[] | See Map Styles |
mapType | MapType | See MapType |
native | any | readonly: Platform-specific instance of the GoogleMap class. for Android and GMSMapView for iOS. |
Method | Returns | Description |
addMarker(marker: MarkerOptions) | Marker | Adds a marker to the map |
removeMarker(marker: Marker) | void | Removes a marker from the map |
addTileOverlay(options: TileOverlayOptions) | TileOverlay | Adds a tile overlay to the map |
removeTileOverlay(overlay: TileOverlay) | void | Removes a tile overlay from the map |
addCircle(circle: CircleOptions) | Circle | Adds a circle to the map |
removeCircle(circle: Circle) | void | Removes a circle from the map |
addGroundOverlay(options: GroundOverlayOptions) | GroundOverlay | Adds a ground overlay to the map |
removeGroundOverlay(groundOverlay: GroundOverlay) | Removes a ground overlay from the map | |
addPolygon(options: PolygonOptions) | Polygon | Adds a polygon to the map |
removePolygon(polygon: Polygon) | Removes a polygon from the map | |
addPolyline(options: PolylineOptions) | Polyline | Adds a polyline to the map |
removePolyline(polyline: Polyline) | void | Removes a polyline from the map |
animateCamera(update: CameraUpdate) | void | Animates camera to a new position |
snapshot() | Promise<ImageSource> | Returns a platform-specific image of the map's current viewport |
clear() | void | Clears all objects added to the map |
Native Map Object
gives you access to the platforms native map objects native
| android
| ios
consult the appropriate SDK reference on how to use it: iOS | Android
Control the camera
To programmatically update the camera position, call the animateCamera()
method on the GoogleMap
object and pass it a CameraUpdate instance.
import { CameraUpdate } from '@nativescript/google-maps'
lat: -32.1234,
lng: 125.1234,
See CameraUpdate for more methods you can call and pass to the animateCamera()
Camera Position
The map's current camera position can be read from the cameraPosition
property of a GoogleMap object.
Property | Type | Description |
target | Coordinate | The camera target is the location of the center of the map, specified as lat and lng . |
bearing | number | The direction in which the camera points measured in degrees clockwise from north. |
tilt | number | The viewing angle of the camera measured in degrees |
zoom | number | The scale of the map |
CameraUpdate Class
provides multiple methods to create a target CameraPosition.
Method | Description |
fromCoordinate(coordinate: Coordinate, zoom: number) | Returns a CameraUpdate from a single coordinate |
fromCoordinates(coordinates: Coordinate[], padding: number) | Returns a CameraUpdate from multiple coordinates |
fromCoordinates(coordinates: Coordinate[], width: number, height: number, padding: number) | Returns a CameraUpdate from multiple coordinates with specified height, width and padding |
fromCameraPosition(position: CameraPosition) | Returns a CameraUpdate from a CameraPosition |
zoomIn() | Returns a CameraUpdate that has zoomed in |
zoomOut() | Returns a CameraUpdate that has zoomed out |
zoomTo(value: number) | Returns a CameraUpdate that has zoomed to a value |
zoomBy(amount: number, point?: { x: number; y: number }) | Returns a CameraUpdate that has zoomed and panned |
scrollBy(x: number, y: number) | Returns a panned CameraUpdate |
A projection is used to translate between on screen location and geographic coordinates on the surface of the Earth.
Method | Description |
fromScreenLocation(point: { x: number; y: number }) | Returns the geographic location that corresponds to a screen location. |
getVisibleRegion() | Gets a projection of the viewing frustum for converting between screen coordinates and geo-latitude/longitude coordinates. |
toScreenLocation(coordinate: Coordinate) | Returns a screen location that corresponds to a geographical coordinate. |
containsCoordinate(coordinate: Coordinate) | Returns true if the coordinate is visible in the current viewport. |
Map Customization
UISettings Interface
You can adjust the maps UI settings from the GoogleMap
object by configuring the following properties of the uiSettings
Property | Type | Description |
compassEnabled | boolean | Whether the compass is enabled or not |
indoorLevelPickerEnabled | boolean | Whether the indoor level picker is enabled or not |
mapToolbarEnabled | boolean | Whether the map toolbar is enabled or not |
myLocationButtonEnabled | boolean | Whether the 'My Location' button is enabled or not |
rotateGesturesEnabled | boolean | Whether the compass is enabled or not |
scrollGesturesEnabled | boolean | Whether map scroll gestures are enabled or not |
tiltGesturesEnabled | boolean | Whether map tilt gestures are enabled or not |
zoomGesturesEnabled | boolean | Whether map zoom gestures are enabled or not |
zoomControlsEnabled | boolean | Whether map zoom controls are enabled or not |
scrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom | boolean | Whether scroll gestures are enabled while rotating or zooming |
Setting the map type
To set the map type, set the mapType
property to one of the MapType options.
import { GoogleMap, MapType } from '@nativescript/google-maps'
map: GoogleMap
map.mapType = MapType.Hybrid
MapType enum
The Google Maps API offers the following five types of maps:
Type | Description |
None | No tiles. The map is rendered as an empty grid with no tiles loaded. |
Normal | Typical road map. Shows roads, some features built by humans, and important natural features such as rivers. Road and feature labels are also visible. |
Satellite | Satellite photograph data. Road and feature labels are not visible. |
Terrain | Topographic data. The map includes colors, contour lines and labels, and perspective shading. Some roads and labels are also visible. |
Hybrid | Satellite photograph data with road maps added. Road and feature labels are also visible. |
Styling the map
You can style the map's items, such as roads, parks, businesses, and other points of interest.
Styling works only on the normal map type. Styling does not affect indoor maps.
To style your map, use a JSON file generated by the Google Maps APIs Styling Wizard. In addition to changing the appearance of features, you can also hide features completely.
"featureType": "all",
"stylers": [{ "color": "#C0C0C0" }]
"featureType": "road.arterial",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [{ "color": "#CCFFFF" }]
"featureType": "landscape",
"elementType": "labels",
"stylers": [{ "visibility": "off" }]
To apply a custom style to your map you can set the mapStyle
property on your GoogleMap
import { GoogleMap } from '@nativescript/google-maps'
map: GoogleMap
map.mapStyle = [
featureType: 'landscape',
elementType: 'labels',
stylers: [{ visibility: 'off' }],
Adding Markers
You can create markers using the GoogleMap's object addMarker
method by passing it a MarkerOptions object.
function addMarker(map: GoogleMap, markerOptions: MarkerOptions): Marker {
return map.addMarker(markerOptions)
returns a Marker
Marker Object
It implements the [MarkerOptions] interface and has the following additional methods.
Method | Returns |
hideInfoWindow() | void |
showInfoWindow() | void |
Property | Type | Description |
position | Coordinate | The position of the marker, specified as lat and lng |
color | string | Color | Color of the marker, shades are unavailable. |
opacity | number | Opacity of the marker. |
title | string | A string that's displayed in the info window when the user taps the marker |
snippet | string | Additional text that's displayed below the title |
icon | ImageSource | UIImage | Bitmap | A image that's displayed in place of the default marker image |
draggable | boolean | Set to true if you want to allow the user to move the marker. Defaults to false |
flat | boolean | By default, markers are oriented against the screen, and will not rotate or tilt with the camera. Flat markers are oriented against the surface of the earth, and will rotate and tilt with the camera |
rotation | boolean | The orientation of the marker, specified in degrees clockwise |
anchorU | number | Horizontal icon offset from the marker position |
anchorV | number | Vertical icon offset from the marker position |
userData | any | Additional information assigned to the marker |
zIndex | number | Z-index of the marker |
Property | Type |
lat | number |
lng | number |
Removing Markers
To remove a marker from the map, call the removeMarker()
method on the GoogleMap instance and pass it the marker to be removed.
function removeMarker(map: GoogleMap, marker: Marker) {
Adding Circles
To add a circle to the map, call the addCircle()
method and specify its properties with a CircleOptions object.
function addCircle(map: GoogleMap, circleOptions: CircleOptions): Circle {
return map.addCircle(circleOptions)
Property | Type |
center | Coordinate |
fillColor | Color | string |
radius | number |
strokeColor | Color | string |
strokePattern | PatternItem & Partial<NativeObject>[] |
strokeWidth | number |
tappable | boolean |
visible | boolean |
zIndex | number |
userData | { [key: string]: any } |
Removing Circles
You can remove a circle using the GoogleMap's removeCircle()
function removeCircle(map: GoogleMap, circle: Circle) {
Adding Polygons
You can create polygons using the GoogleMap's object addPolygon()
method by passing in the specified PolygonOptions.
function addPolygon(map: GoogleMap, polygonOptions: PolygonOptions): Polygon {
return map.addPolygon(polygonOptions)
Property | Type |
points | Coordinate[] |
holes | Coordinate[] |
tappable | boolean |
strokeWidth | number |
strokeColor | Color | string |
fillColor | Color | string |
strokePattern | PatternItem & Partial<NativeObject>[] |
zIndex | number |
geodesic | boolean |
strokeJointType | JointType |
visible | boolean |
userData | { [key: string]: any } |
Removing Polygons
You can remove a Polygon using the GoogleMap's removePolygon
function, like so:
function removePolygon(map: GoogleMap, polygon: Polygon) {
Adding Polylines
You can create Polylines using the GoogleMap's object addPolyline
function by passing it a PolylineOptions object.
function addPolyline(
map: GoogleMap,
polylineOptions: PolylineOptions,
): Polyline {
return map.addPolyline(polylineOptions)
Property | Type |
width | number |
points | Coordinate[] |
tappable | boolean |
geodesic | boolean |
visible | boolean |
zIndex | number |
jointType | JointType |
pattern | PatternItem & Partial<NativeObject>[] |
color | Color | string |
startCap | Cap & Partial<NativeObject> |
endCap | Cap & Partial<NativeObject> |
userData | { [key: string]: any } |
Removing Polylines
You can remove a Polyline using the GoogleMap's removePolyline
function, like so:
function removePolyline(map: GoogleMap, polyline: Polyline) {
Ground Overlays
Adding Ground Overlays
You can create Ground Overlays using the GoogleMap's object addGroundOverlay
function by passing in the specified GroundOverlay Options.
function addGroundOverlay(
map: GoogleMap,
groundOverlayOptions: GroundOverlayOptions,
): GroundOverlay {
return map.addGroundOverlay(groundOverlayOptions)
Property | Type |
zIndex | number |
visible | boolean |
transparency | number |
position | Coordinate |
bounds | CoordinateBounds |
tappable | boolean |
bearing | number |
image | ImageSource |
userData | any |
width | number |
height | number |
anchorU | number |
anchorV | number |
Removing Ground Overlays
You can remove a GroundOverlay using the GoogleMap's removeGroundOverlay
function, like so:
function removeGroundOverlay(map: GoogleMap, groundOverlay: GroundOverlay) {
Tile Overlays
Adding Tile Overlays
You can create Tile Overlays using the GoogleMap's object addTileOverlay
function by passing in the specified TileOverlay Options.
function addTileOverlay(
map: GoogleMap,
tileOverlayOptions: TileOverlayOptions,
): TileOverlay {
return map.addTileOverlay(tileOverlayOptions)
Property | Type |
fadeIn | boolean |
transparency | number |
visible | boolean |
tileProvider | TileProvider & Partial<NativeObject> |
zIndex | number |
clearTileCache() | void |
Setting tile overlay options after the tile overlay has been added to the map can have no effect on the tile overlay. To update the tile overlay, you may need to call clearTileCache()
Removing Tile Overlays
You can remove a TileOverlay using the GoogleMap's removeTileOverlay
function, like so:
function removeTileOverlay(map: GoogleMap, tileOverlay: TileOverlay) {
Tile Providers
Tile providers are objects that provide tiles to be used in a Tile Overlay.
Provider | Description |
TileProvider | Base class for tile providers |
UrlTileProvider | Tile provider that returns a tile from a URL |
For example a UrlTileProvider
can be created like so:
const tileProvider = new UrlTileProvider((x, y, z) => {
return `${z}/${x}/${y}.png`
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