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In NativeScript, there are two primary ways to enable first class a11y support in your apps:

  1. View attribute: accessible="true"
<label text="{N}" accessible="true"></label>
  1. CSS property: a11y-enabled: true

This option allows you to reuse CSS classes to enable a11y features.

.a11y {
  a11y-enabled: true;
<label text="{N}" class="a11y"></label>

Both options provide the flexibility desired when needing to enable a11y properly for your app.


By default, all touchable elements are accessible as expected. (ie, Button, Slider etc.)


Various properties exist to further control a11y.


It's recommended to always use an accessibilityLabel when marking a view as accessible. VoiceOver usage on the device will speak this value so the user knows what element has been selected.

  accessibilityLabel="The NativeScript logo in textual form"


Provide additional help so users understand what will happen when they perform an action on the accessible element.

  accessibilityLabel="Button to submit the form"
  accessibilityHint="Submit this form"

iosAccessibilityAdjustsFontSize (iOS only)

Enable this to allow device font scale affect view font-size. Android has this feature enabled by default.

iosAccessibilityMinFontScale (iOS only)

Sets the minimum accessibility font scale.

iosAccessibilityMaxFontScale (iOS only)

Sets the maximum accessibility font scale.

accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors (iOS only)

When screen colors invert with accessibility, you often don't want views such as photos to be inverted. You can set this to ignore the inversion.

accessibilityLiveRegion (Android only)

When components dynamically change, we want TalkBack to alert the end user.

  • AccessibilityLiveRegion.None: Should not announce changes to this view.
  • AccessibilityLiveRegion.Polite: Should announce changes to this view.
  • AccessibilityLiveRegion.Assertive: Should interrupt ongoing speech to immediately announce changes to this view.
<Switch checked="true" class="a11y" checkedChange="{{checkedChange}}" />

In the above example, method checkedChange changes the switchCheckedText variable. As soon as an end user taps the Switch, TalkBack reads text in the Text view because of its AccessibilityLiveRegions.Assertive property.


Communicates the purpose of an element to the user.

It can be set to one of the following:

  • AccessibilityRole.Adjustable Element that can be "adjusted" (e.g. a slider).
  • AccessibilityRole.Button Element that should be treated as a button.
  • AccessibilityRole.Checkbox Element that represents a checkbox which can be checked or unchecked.
  • AccessibilityRole.Header Eement that acts as a header for a section.
  • AccessibilityRole.Image Element that should be treated as an image.
  • AccessibilityRole.ImageButton Element that should be treated as a button and is also an image.
  • AccessibilityRole.KeyboardKey Element that acts as a keyboard key.
  • AccessibilityRole.Link Element that should be treated as a link.
  • AccessibilityRole.None Element has no role.
  • AccessibilityRole.PlaysSound Element that plays its own sound when activated.
  • AccessibilityRole.ProgressBar Element that indicates progress of a task.
  • AccessibilityRole.RadioButton Element is a radio button.
  • AccessibilityRole.Search Element should be treated as a search field.
  • AccessibilityRole.SpinButton Element that behaves like a SpinButton.
  • AccessibilityRole.StartsMediaSession Element starts a media session when it is activated.
  • AccessibilityRole.StaticText Element that should be treated as static text that cannot change.
  • AccessibilityRole.Summary Element that provides summary information when the application starts.
  • AccessibilityRole.Switch Element that behaves like a switch.


Current state of an element.

It can be set to one of the following:

  • AccessibilityState.Selected Element is currently selected.
  • AccessibilityState.Checked Element is currently checked.
  • AccessibilityState.Unchecked Element is currently unchecked.
  • AccessibilityState.Disabled Element is currently disabled.


Current value of an element.


Whether elements contained within this accessibility element are hidden.

Debugging Accessibility

The following are the platforms tools for debugging accessibility in your app: