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Users can interact with UI components using gestures. NativeScript supports the following gestures:

All gesture events, except tap, have the following data in common:

eventNamestringThe name of the event.
objectObservableThe Observable instance that triggered the event.
typeGestureTypesThe type of the gesture
viewPartial<View>The Partial<View> instance that triggered the event. This is the same ui component as return by object
iosUIGestureRecognizer Gets the underlying native iOS specific UIGestureRecognizer.
androidandroid.view.GestureDetectorGets the underlying native android specific gesture detector

Tap gesture

Action: Briefly touching a component.

Tap gesture event data

The tap gesture event only offers the eventName and object properties.

The TouchManager offers a convenient and easy-to-use API including animation abilities that you can apply to the tap gesture (individually or even globally across your entire app for any wired tap gesture/event).

Here are some example tap event bindings:

Double tap gesture

Action: Two taps on a component in quick succession.

Double tap event data

getPointerCount()numberGets the number of pointers in the event.
getX()numberGets the x coordinate of the event inside the view that triggered the event.
getY()numberGets the y coordinate of the event inside the view that triggered the event.

Long press gesture

Action: A component is pressed for a few moments.

Long press gesture event data

  • state : The state of the pressing.

Swipe gesture

Action: Swiftly sliding a finger across the screen. Swipes are quick and affect the screen even after the finger is lifted off the screen:

Possible usage: Navigate between components in the same hierarchy.

Swipe gesture event data

  • direction : Direction of the swipe gesture.

Available directions:

  • right = 1,
  • left = 2,
  • up = 4,
  • down = 8,

Pan gesture

Action: A pan gesture occurs when a user presses down on a component and immediately starts moving it around. Pans are executed more slowly and allow for more precision. The event stops emitting as soon as the finger is lifted off it.

Pan gesture event data

deltaXnumberDistance , in DIPs, moved in the x direction from previous position.
deltaYnumberDistance , in DIPs, moved in the x direction from previous position.
stateGestureStateTypesIndicates the state of panning. See GestureStateTypes for available states.

Pinch gesture

Action: A user touches a component with two fingers, then moves them towards or away from each other.

Pinch gesture event data

statenumberThe state of the pinch gesture.

Possible usage: Zoom in or out of content.

Rotate gesture

Action: A user touches a component with two fingers, then rotates them simultaneously left or right.

Rotate gesture event data

  • rotation (type: number):

Touch gesture

This is a general purpose gesture that is triggered whenever a pointer (usually a finger) has performed a touch action (up, down, move or cancel).

Touch gesture event data

action'up' | 'move' | 'down' | 'cancel'Gets action of the touch
getActivePointers()Array<Pointer>Gets the pointers that triggered the event.
Note: In Android there is aways only one active pointer.
[Pointer] is an object representing a finger (or other object) that is touching the screen.
getAllPointers()Array<Pointer>Gets all pointers.

Subscribing to Multiple Gestures

You can handle multiple gestures as follows:

<Button  text="TAP" class="button" longPress="{{ onLongPress }}" swipe="{{ onSwipe }}" tap="{{ onTap }}"  doubleTap="{{ onDoubleTap }}"/>

Gesture Manipulations

In some scenarios, you may want to disable user interaction or create more complex UI interactions where some gestures are passing through the parents of the actual interactive zone. NativeScript provides some specific properties for handling similar cases as follows:

  • isUserInteractionEnabled - Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can interact with the view. Does not affect the appearance of the view. The default value is true.

  • isEnabled - Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the view is enabled. Affects the appearance of the view. The default value is true.


  • cancelled = 0
  • began = 1
  • changed = 2
  • ended = 3

The Pointer interface

androidanyThe id of the pointer.
iosUITouchThe UITouch object associated to the touch
getX()numberGets the X coordinate of the pointer inside the view that triggered the event.
getY()numberGets the Y coordinate of the pointer inside the view that triggered the event.