Advanced Concepts
Generating TypeScript types
Generate types for iOS
ns typings ios
This will generate the following folder structure typings/ios/arm64
Generate types for Android
For Android run:
ns typings android --jar <path to a jar>
# or
ns typings android --aar <path to an aar>
You can also generate typings for an Android package (Maven):
ns typings android <package-name>
For instance:
ns typings android ""
Custom code
- Reference the generated types in references.d.ts
- You can now code against the platform native APIs (strongly typed). For various examples on how to interact with native APIs in JavaScript/TypeScript, visit the Subclassing, iOS Marshalling and Android Marshalling pages.
Additional Resources
- Android d.ts Generator, for advanced types generation for Android
- Previous
- Adding ObjectiveC/Swift Code