8.8 released—CSS Media Query support, SF Symbols and much more...
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NativeScript is a celebration of the platform in your favorite language, JavaScript. Along with that comes all the benefits you might expect, like being able to use your favorite JavaScript framework.

Build a master-detail app with Plain TypeScriptTutorialBeginner
Build a master-detail app with Plain JavaScriptTutorialBeginner
Build a master-detail app with AngularTutorialBeginner
Build a master-detail app with VueTutorialBeginner
Build a master-detail app with ReactTutorialBeginner
Build a master-detail app with SvelteTutorialBeginner
Create a NativeScript plugin Part 1: Label MarqueeBlog/TutorialIntermediate
Create a NativeScript plugin Part 2: ShimmerBlog/TutorialIntermediate
Create a NativeScript plugin Part 3: Touch EffectsBlog/TutorialIntermediate
Develop Vision Pro 🥽 apps with TypeScriptBlog/TutorialAdvanced
Develop Vision Pro 🥽 apps with AngularBlog/TutorialAdvanced
Develop Vision Pro 🥽 apps with ReactBlog/TutorialAdvanced
Develop Vision Pro 🥽 apps with SolidBlog/TutorialAdvanced
Develop Vision Pro 🥽 apps with SvelteBlog/TutorialAdvanced
Develop Vision Pro 🥽 apps with VueBlog/TutorialAdvanced