🚀 8.9 Released! → ⚡️ New Node-API Engine Preview, 📲 ns widget ios, 💅 Tailwind v4 and more...
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The story of 😢 or 😊

We are providing a sample "vanilla" NativeScript app which shows some of the bad vs. good practices for you to run and see for yourself. Using vanilla NativeScript is a great way to see the raw examples of why these are bad and good practices which are applicable to any frontend framework integration. Each framework integration effectively utilizes these same practices for it's own various cases.

Clone and see for yourself: https://github.com/NativeScript/examples-best-practices

View bindings


hidden, visibility, v-if, ngIf and all those "if" things

Rogue timers and intervals

Various usages of @NativeClass() decorator

Android tips

iOS tips

.ios and .android files or platform conditionals?

Optimizing Images
